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Deepak Vadgama

Software developer, amateur photographer

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I no longer watch movies about good vs evil, where portrayals are clear as day…
Instead I enjoy the ones, where morality lies on the ground painted gray

That’s not because fighting evil is easy; it’s not something I disregard…
Its because fighting your inner demons is way more hard

My love for Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged has remained unwavered, it didn’t sway…
I’m glad the volumus flow didn’t drag me to Chetan Bhagat and Fifty Shades of Gray

Whatsapp keeps complaining of unread messages, tries to tempt me into constant tapping…
Good luck with that; I’m no longer drawn to jokes which include ‘I am still laughing’

I still act like a child with more than two people around…
Core of being in a group is intellectual conversations or just humor abound

Paradoxical it seems that I like to spend time with people who are edgy…
This repetitive nature of life calls for interesting characters to keep the CPU busy

I realize now history is not to be taken for granted…
It’s written by the victorious who claim their land eternally enchanted

I question the veracity of rewards and accumulation of wealth…
For years, money and corruption have changed the rules in stealth

You might think I have become a cynic, an unlikable pessimist…
I don’t believe in the made-up world anymore; I’m more of a realist

Depression overwhelms me sometimes, though I no longer cry…
Listening to idols is my medicine for it, one of them is Stephen Fry

I’m not scared anymore when my opinions go against the crowd…
My thoughts have settled in, after years of being round and about

I now tread with caution, even when the situation is dire…
Impulse doesn’t help one bit, I’ve been burned twice by fire

I am more respectful and tolerant; it paid immense dividends…
I’ve seen people do amazing things, it’s stupid to have any arrogance

My curiosity to learn, recently has got lot of pampering…
Though with so much to learn, its not helping, its hampering

I dream of working for fun and still charge a fee…
Though I confess, laziness has not yet let go of me

Life keeps offering these clues, all it takes is listening…
Only way to enjoy life in the long run, is by being disciplined

Life has so much to offer, there’s still much to unlock…
The island across is far but at least I’ve reached the dock

Life is coming full circle, from spontaneous and rash teenage blunders…
Onto boring adulthood; and back again to self-discovery & it’s wonders

No one is born with depth, you eventually discover it with age…
Its ironically shallow to dive into; it just takes coming out of the cage

Oblivious to the chaos, carrying content of a sage…
The world makes sense again, this is my coming of age
