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Deepak Vadgama

Software developer, amateur photographer

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Relationships are the silk strands connecting souls like me and you…
I don’t understand them fully, but let me point similarities between the two

Insubstantial they look to the naked eye, so evident is their fragility…
Like heartbeats and breaths, taken for granted is their vitality

They come in many forms, each being subtly different…
Smooth and shiny they feel, until we face the ones affront

While young and curious, we are built a prison of silk; equal parts isolated and bare…
Parents ignore our pleads to break out; oblivious they are to the wilderness out there

At tender age when a princess connects, the heart dreams for lifespan right then and there…
When that strand is tugged too hard too soon, it breaks apart, and I think that’s only fair

The fall is hard if leaning on the strand; thousand complains of pain and of life being unfair…
Getting up takes a while; but the lesson is learned in importance of patience and care

Over the years, the strands reach out to hundreds, seeding new friends all around…
They together form the safety net, making it your inner child’s playground

Time takes its toll on the strands though, few wither away every other year…
Each one is cherished for a bit; remaining ones, well, forever you hold them dear

You team up with your queen by tying the knot, like rock climbers on a cliff sharing a rope…
That strand is stronger than steel yet lighter than feather, even the mightiest obstacles fail to cope

The day comes when you create a cocoon to protect your child…
Because you’ve seen the world out there, and nothing about it is mild

One strand holds still, omnipresent in the stretch between ashes and birth…
Visible only through lenses of faith, it stretches from heaven to the earth

Astronauts know how small we are in the scheme of things; how petty are our differences and fights…
The world is a mesh of billions of connections; each one twinkles, as it transfers pulses of lights

Keep spinning them; more connections are better than just a few…
A spider never runs out of silk and with God’s grace, neither will you
