Let us introduce ourselves, but I want to be discreet..
If anyone can guess who we are, they are in for a treat
Like rivers, we are, intertwining along the way..
Come wind or storm, we are difficult to sway
First one flows uninhibited cutting through foliage, second is a smooth flowing stream..
third deludes to being straight as a canal, the last being white water extreme
Vulnerable we feel sometimes, and may be also lack of might..
But supergirls we are together, we won’t go down without a fight
How lucky we are; it was pure coincidence that we came together..
Until we start believing in fate, in that case, we were meant to be with each other
Reminisce the stay at mau’s, oh the gossip, the laughter and the sharing..
Forgive all the cuss words, the underlying theme has always been of caring
So sisters, lets skip away, lets laugh in the face of time’s dying pulse..
We love to spend time with each other; its not logic, its impulse
Pure joy we experienced for so long, with no need for pennies nor a dime..
Then why does time feel so fleeting, may be this is Einstein’s relativity of time
World doesn’t see our closeness, they think we are scattered over a mile..
Come to think of it, the joke is on them, because stealth is our style
Let’s party with shots, vodka or a few beers..
It’s us against the world; we are the 4 musketeers
Let’s get wild, lets paint the town red, like they say ‘rage against the dying light’..
Lets eat and drink like theres no tomorrow; to compensate, there is always oats and egg-white
A sage told me to give up the one, and instead make the world my muse..
But my poems are nothing but stories that rhyme, and the creative circuit in me mandates that fuse
So I am slowly expanding from the one, to you four..
Its sad that I don’t know you girls a bit more
This poem is still rough at the edges; I’m going to keep it that way..
Inspite of what philosophers say, words don’t always obey
It will never be the same again, things coming to a close, we better believe it..
Oh wait, we are and will always be, our friendship is a circle, we will always re-live it
So raise your glasses for this moment, soak it, one last time..
Catching up is only moments away, so sayonara.. until next time
